Hello to all my fans out there. I have discovered and I am humbled that there are many people reading my blog than I thought. A shout out to Tim, Richard's friend who told Richard he was wondering why I stopped. I understand you are on the Chillcoot Trail? Wow, that is really bad spelling. Off to check Google.........Chilkoot. Got it.

Well, I did get this sign.

Dom, here's a sunset. This was from the RV park. You can see the pumps for the gas station on the upper left. The picture below is the park in the morning after more came in at night.

I'm going to jump to today, them go back in time. We are a little ways past Ft. St. John on the Alaska Highway. We have pretty good wifi here. The last month was spent at places with no wifi, bad wifi, or with friends and family. When I'm with people I usually don't take time to write.
So where was I after SLC? Ah, yes, the tire explosion. You probably remember the panic prayer request on face book.
This was my leaving SLC pic. Not much to see since the park was out of town. I just looked back at my pictures. I didn't take any of this RV park, and it was a real nice one. Pony Express RV park. Nice dog fenced in area. The lots were a little too close together. I almost had to step on the neighbor to get in the truck. Shortly after we got on the road the alarm went off on the tire gage. We had a leaky valve. We sat at the side of a back road while Richard pumped air into the tire with his mini air pump. If you ever get one, make sure it will reach! We got back on the road heading towards the nearest Les Schwab where they fixed the tire for free. Mr and the doggies sat in the shade.
This was near where we first pulled off. Cool tower.
The nose prints show how much Leiden looks out the window.
Idaho. Oops, missed the sign again.
Nice view
Then the alarm goes off, we start slowing down to pull over then
This happened
You can see tire pieces on the steps and black on the trailer.
It was 106 degrees outside. I was concerned for Richard, but he was fine. We were going to Crater Lake, hoping to put in many miles that day. Richard wanted to get as far as Oregon. Well, just 5 miles before we got to Oregon I saw an A & W restaurant with an RV park behind it. I was so hungry I told him we were stopping there. It was maybe 7:00. It was about a 2 star RV park. There was one trailer there that looked like it had been there awhile. It had power, but no water. That was ok because all we needed was air conditioning. It was only $20.00. We had dinner, and I felt better. Three more RV's came in that night.
The next day I thought about the one tire explosion. I thought they were all going to go bad because they were the same age. I didn't realize they were only three years old. I told Richard I'd feel better if we skipped Crater Lake and just got all new tires. He agreed. We called our friends we were to meet in CL and cancelled our reservation. We thought they were going to stay there the three nights with us. What I didn't know was that they weren't staying, they were just going to visit for one day. Anyway, they said just come and park at our house, we have full hook up for an RV. Water, sewer, power......well, I'm getting a little ahead. Back to pictures.
Dom, here's a sunset. This was from the RV park. You can see the pumps for the gas station on the upper left. The picture below is the park in the morning after more came in at night.
I missed the Welcome sign, but I got this. Utah is the state with the most and best roadside/bridge artwork.
Oregon farming. I just noticed our shadow.
This is a close up. I believe this is a cinder cone. Little did I know at the time of this picture how much I'd learn about volcanoes in Oregon. We arrived at Sunriver, OR where our friends, Ginny and Dave Streeter live. We told them we were going to be there at 1:30. Oops, we got there at 12:30 forgetting the time change. They live in a little house in the woods. We went for a short drive, then short stroll to these falls. The doggies really liked it.
I'm rather proud of the clarity of the picture below.
This is Dave. I've know Ginny from 1984. She and I were roommates in Fairbanks. One of those friends that I can go months not talking to her, but as soon as we are together we pick right up where we left off.
Hello again, Bridget. I know the feeling of being busy with real life, and not having time for blogging ;-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for keeping it up. I find it quite interesting to read Richard's and your perspective from the road trip.
That last blog sort of just stopped because I was reviewing what I wrote, and a bunch disappeared. Now we are at a wifi that says, No No No, just check email. I'm calling this checking email. More pictures tomorrow or the next day.
Delete+1 on what SonjaM said....I like how you write, good recap since SLC...we now have same TPMS system as you guys. Good sunset pic by the way, may I suggest, next time in similar conditions, get closer to the trees silhouetted in the middle and use them as the foreground anchor?
ReplyDeleteRead my reply to Sanja.
DeleteWelcome back to wifi and blogging! I figured all is well based on your FB updates but also appreciate your blog updates! And bonus, I get my "furry fix" of the boys! Wishing you continued safe adventures as you head towards home! Oregon looks lovely...it's going on my "someday let's go there" travel list!
ReplyDeleteYou've never been to Oregon? I love it. All is well, we are at a park with wifi only if I check email.
DeleteWe all have breaks in blogging, yours was just due to wi-fi issues.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you were still able to catch up with your friends even if it wasn't Crater Lake.
More wifi issues.